“Just last night I watched a YouTube video. A woman talked about her near-death experience. She had been fixated on her looks and had abused her body with diet pills. When she had her experience, she was given a very important message. All the little things she had done over the years – all the random acts of kindness – mattered. Not winning the gold medal at the cheerleading competitions. Not the things that she thought were so important. It was the things she did each day for others. Helping a little old lady across the street. It is the acts of goodwill, the selfless acts, which show a person’s true goodness and character. Godliness is when we exhibit kindness and love for others,” I said with passion.
Kindness | Gratitude
Kindness is not a sign of weakness. It is a sign of strength. We can choose to be kind at any time. We can choose to be grateful at any time. Both kindness and gratitude will change our broken world.