Category: Complex PTSD

Covert Incest

A healthy family system has clear separation between adults and children.” When there is no separation, an emotionally toxic relationship forms. —Dr. Patricia Love Emotional/Covert Incest There no diagnosis for Emotional Incest Syndrome Not often talked about, Emotional/Covert Incest has long-lasting effects. When a parent lacks boundaries, they can rely on a child to fulfill […]

How Childhood Trauma Can Make You Sick

If you don’t know how to say no, your body will say it for you through physical illnesses. —Dr. Gabor Maté The long-term effects of ACES Life experiences in childhood that are lost in time and then further protected by shame and by secrecy and by social taboos against inquiry into certain realms into human […]

Tickle Torture

“TICKLE TORTURE!” my brother screamed. He held me down. I struggled to get away. “Stop!” “Tickle torture,” he laughed. He held down both my arms with his one hand above my head. I struggled to get away. He had his other arm free. He tickled me. I shrieked! I was laughing but screaming. “STOP IT!” […]

Dealing with PTSD

When you shut down emotion, you’re also affecting your nervous system. So the repression of emotion, which is the survival strategy, then becomes a source of physiological illness later on. —Gabor Maté, MD Trauma and Triggers As most of you know from following me and my blog, I have been dealing with C-PTSD, anxiety and […]

Sibling Bullying

She wrote me that she felt terrorized. She travelled in the car – her bully was there. She ate at the kitchen table – her bully was there. This little five-year-old girl, Little Laura, told me that she had to walk to school with her bully. At school, her bully, with his predatory behaviour, was […]