Singing gave me enormous confidence. I could stand on stage, and I had no fear. I was no longer that child hiding in my closet.
—My Courage to Tell
I read recently how much music has an effect on us. Some more than others. I know it did for me.
When I was in my 20s, I sang. It was a very important time in my life. I had come a long way from hiding in my closet when I was a child.
Life had turned around for me after a teacher helped me when I was nine years old, and I started to think positively. I decided to start a band after high school and I think it had a healing effect on me. My mother vowed to never come and see me sing, but eventually, she did and told me that she thought I was good. (My mother was trained professionally as an opera singer.)

One time our band won some studio time at a “Battle of the Bands” contest. We recorded 3 songs. Just recently I have transferred the songs into a digital format. (I wanted to post them.)
But, my point is, that music really does help heal our souls. Did you know that when you sing, endorphins, those feel-good chemicals, are released in your brain? And that my friends will have an incredibly positive effect on you psychologically.
If you suffer from depression, or even if you are feeling down, try singing. It will help lift your mood!
Keep singing!