He took the new Christmas bottle from my dresser and shook it violently. He then carefully placed it at the bottom of my bed next to my feet. “Don’t you dare move or it will blow up,” he threatened, making sure my parents hadn’t heard him. “It’s a bomb and if you move it will go off and blow you to pieces,” he added, with such meaning and hate in his voice.
Rise Above the Madness
Is it a mad world? It is. We are dealing with many stressful events. We need put self-care at the forefront. We need to find peace in a not so peaceful world. We need to Rise Above.
Dr. Peter Levine says that trauma does not have to be a life sentence.
Become a Warrior
Healing your inner child, the injured child takes courage. We can begin …
Child Neglect Hurts!
All children are born to grow, to develop, to live, to love, …
Cry | Every Day
You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you …
Dealing with PTSD
When you shut down emotion, you're also affecting your nervous system. So …
Divine Mother | Secrets
With insecure attachments, a child unwittingly memorizes the precise lesson of that …
Do Not Forget to Hope
Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all …
Dog Rescue
Volunteering to help abused dogs has been one of my biggest accomplishments …
Don’t Minimize Your Abuse
Standing there was my brother with one of my mother’s cooking pots …
Feeling Disconnected?
The infant and child who perceives that his needs are unmet may …
Happiness is a Spiritual Experience
Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is …
How Childhood Trauma Can Make You Sick
If you don’t know how to say no, your body will say …
Mother. Stonewalled.
Farrah asked me what sending the letter did for me. I told …
Mothers | Not all are maternal
With insecure attachments, a child unwittingly memorizes the precise lesson of that …
Painting of Jesus
Matthew 5: 4 You are the light of the world. A town …
Random Acts of Kindness
“I remember hearing a woman talk about her near-death experience. She had …
Rise Above the Lies
Instead of promoting healthy development, they unconsciously undermine it, often with the …
Singing. How it helps.
Singing gave me enormous confidence. I could stand on stage, and I …
Survival Guide | Holidays
Set your boundaries! It's okay to say no. —Laura Corbeth Holidays? Well, …
The First Protector
Upon my arrival, the nurse in emergency took my blood pressure. I …
You Travel Not Alone
Angels are there. All you have to do is ask. —Laura Corbeth …
Dr. Penny Sartori, Author, The Wisdom of Near-Death Experiences

Laura gives hope and inspiration to those who are going through or have been through something similar.In this book Laura Corbeth describes the emotional and psychological abuse she was subjected to while growing up. Laura is testimony to the power of the human spirit in overcoming such adversity. Her strength, resilience and subsequent healing are a powerful light in this world. Laura gives hope and inspiration to those who are going through or have been through something similar. Laura’s journey has been the catalyst for her spiritual transformation and she now focuses on helping others through sharing what she’s been through.